Data Protection and Copyright Notice

You have the right to access, modify, correct, and delete any personal data that may be stored on
To exercise this right, please contact the site’s publisher, Jimmy Braun.
Site Publisher
Mr. Jimmy BRAUN
All information on this site is available for download, reproduction, and printing for personal use only, and cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Information must not be modified without prior permission and must always include the copyright notice: © Jimmy BRAUN. Any other use must be requested in writing.
All information on is provided as is, and the user is solely responsible for its use. Jimmy Braun, the author and publisher of this site, provides no guarantee or responsibility for the accuracy, errors, or omissions contained herein.
The site’s content may be updated at any time, and Jimmy Braun cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of this site. The site is not responsible for any issues related to accessing the site or any damages caused by viruses, hacking, piracy, or any other malicious use of the internet.
Messages sent to the website author via the Internet may be intercepted on the network. Until they reach the author, their confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The recorded information is reserved for use by the relevant service(s) and can only be communicated to the recipients (website publisher).
In accordance with Articles 39 and following of the amended Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any person may obtain communication and, if necessary, rectification or deletion of information concerning them by contacting the website publisher (Jimmy BRAUN). In the absence of a response from you within one month from the receipt of this letter, your agreement will be deemed acquired.
However, you may inform us at any time of your wish that the dissemination of your data on the Internet cease. We remind you that you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right, please contact Jimmy BRAUN.
The information collected in exchanges with the publisher of this site is subject to computer processing intended for our professional exchanges. The recipients of the data are the communication and public relations agency Jimmy BRAUN.
In accordance with the amended “Data Protection” law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting the author of this site whose contact details are on this page. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.
The website accessible at is hosted by OVH, SAS with a capital of 500 k€ RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011 – Head office: 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France, accessible at
This site is the property of Jimmy BRAUN. The website is the official information website of Jimmy Braun, as an individual and a company.
Terms of Use
1 – Site Publisher
The present website, accessible at the address: is published by its owner. The site publisher owns the domain name, is the publication director, and the legal person responsible for the aforementioned Website.
2 – Site Content
The content of the site, the general structure, the texts, the images, animated or not, and the sounds of which the Site is composed are the exclusive property of Jimmy BRAUN.
Any total or partial representation of this Site and its Content, by any means whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of Mr. Jimmy BRAUN is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
The website accessible at is hosted by OVH, SAS with a capital of 500 k€ RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011 – Head office: 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France, accessible at
3 – Site Content License
By accessing the site, the user acknowledges accepting from the publisher a strictly limited license to use the Site Content subject to the following imperative conditions: This license is granted on a non-exclusive and non-transferable basis. The right of use granted to the user/internet user is personal and private, which means that any reproduction of the site content on any medium for collective or professional use, even within the company, is prohibited. The same applies to any communication of this content by electronic means, even if it is disseminated on the company’s intranet or extranet.
The right of use includes only the authorization to consult the site and its content.
This use includes only the authorization to reproduce for storage purposes for display on a single-screen and for reproduction in one copy, for backup copy and paper printout.
Any other use is subject to the prior express authorization of the publisher of the site
Violation of these provisions subjects the violator and all responsible persons to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by French and Japanese law.
4 – Data protection law
Users of the aforementioned Site are required to comply with the provisions of the data protection law, violation of which is punishable by criminal sanctions. They must refrain from any collection, misuse, and in general any act that could harm the privacy or reputation of individuals, concerning personal data they access.
In accordance with Article 38 of the “Data Protection Act” n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, and delete the data concerning you. You can exercise this right by sending an email via the Contact form or by post to the publisher’s headquarters, available on this site.
5 – Trademarks
All trademarks and names mentioned on this site are registered by their respective owners. The website cannot be held responsible for their use outside of this site and legal framework.
All information on this site is for informational purposes only.
The sources mentioned retain their rights and the Copyrights© and legal information will be indicated as necessary throughout the site.
The site publisher has no commercial relationship, partnership, or represents any brand, neither in France nor elsewhere in the world.
Any partner brands or companies will be mentioned as appropriate.
6 – Hypertext links
The hypertext links set up as part of this site to other resources on the Internet cannot engage the publisher’s responsibility. Users of the site cannot set up a hypertext link to this site without the express prior authorization of the publisher.
7 – Authorization for reproduction of content and placement of hyperlinks
For any information and request for the reproduction of content published on the site (texts, graphics, illustrations) on any medium, as well as for any authorization to set up a hyperlink, users are invited to send their request via email through the Contact form.
8 – Privacy respect
The publisher respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it.
This statement is intended to inform you of our policy and practices regarding privacy respect, as well as the choices you can make about how your information is collected online and how it is used.
The website and our professional activity are governed by French law.
In the event of a dispute arising from your use of our websites, only French courts have jurisdiction.
The site uses Google Analytics to analyze its audience and improve its content. For more information on the privacy rules related to the use of Google Analytics, click here: